Truly one of a kind and showcasing a dazzling display of diamond replica’s from world famous pieces, visitors can expect to be fully entertained here. The famous Cape Town Diamond Museum enjoys the stunning setting of the V&A Waterfront, a landmark in Cape Town City and a place where luxury and discovery await. Also known as the “Shimansky Diamond Experience”, this museum fits in perfectly at the Waterfront Marina, which is popular for bringing together some of South Africa’s most culturally and historically significant facts, possessions and even original landmarks.
The Museum of Gems and Jewellery is open to local and international visitors and is informative of the history of diamond mining in South Africa, one which has helped to shape the commerce and culture of our nation. It is always a treat when guests lay eyes on the behind-the-scenes magic, where diamond polishers and cutters are hard at work within the Shimansky Factory. This wonderful museum is also a non-profit organization, simply proud and passionate about their craft and about the diamond industry of our country. A tour of the Diamond Museum can be enjoyed by young and old – the intimate tour shows off mining gear, diamond replicas that are famous across the world and interesting historical artefacts. Open daily from 9 am to 7 pm.