Opened to the public in 1990, the SAPS Museum educates visitors about South Africa’s Police forces, various departments and some very intriguing, mind boggling crime case depictions, some of which remain notorious up till today. The location of Muizenberg’s SAPS Museum previously served as a lookout post for enemy ships that would enter the False Bay area.
The SAPS Museum also showcases a courtroom and cells on the lower level, which often allows visiting schools to act out famous court cases and re-imagine a time long ago. Guests can also enjoy a number of other interesting displays while enjoying time at the SAPS Museum, such as lovely antique furniture, old fashioned uniforms and an assortment of police items and memorabilia. For those who enjoy coin collecting, the SAPS Museum also showcases two coints backdated to 1680 and 1736. Other depictions on display here include an old charge office, the famous battle of Muizeberg as well as the side plate of a VOC muzzleloader. The SAPS Museum is open from Monday to Friday, 8 am to 3:30 pm, Saturdays from 9 am to 1 pm and on Sundays from 2 pm to 5 pm, and all guests can enjoy free entry every time.