For some unforgettable interactions with a few of the Garden Route's most beloved creatures, Offshore Adventures gives its guests the amazing opportunity to experience memorable moments with playful seals, inquisitive and majestic Blue and Mako sharks and also schools of sardines when in season - these underwater animals are kept safe and enjoy quality living conditions. Bring a group of adventurous friends along and get ready to be amazed - Offshore adventures provides visitors with all the necessary equipment - wet-suits, flippers, snorkels and anything else. To enjoy these interactions, you don't need any experience as the guides are trained and ready to take on the blue ocean water with you - for those who don't want to get wet, viewing excursions from the boat are also exciting and can be enjoyed with a group of friends, where polarized sunglasses are provided to remove the sun's glare on the waters surface allowing for easier viewing through the water.
Have you always wanted to see a Great white Shark in real life? The Robberg express offers an exciting beach launch and then 1 hour 20 minute long excursion along Plettenberg's beautiful coastline, where these sharks roam between May and August. Get in touch to find out when the best time is to view your sea creatures of choice, and start planning now.